Make a Payment
Payments are made from the payments
endpoint via a POST request that has to include:
The address of the W-ETH token as a path parameter.
The address of the node receiving your payment as a path parameter.
The amount you would like to pay as a body parameter.
You will receive a success response once the payment goes through.
Payments in Raiden can be done either as:
It is possible to receive tokens through the Raiden Network without having any initial Ether or tokens. The receiving peer just needs to have a Raiden full node running and the sender must be willing to pay the fees for the on-chain transactions.
Direct payments
You can open a channel directly with any node you know the address of. You might want to open a direct channel if you know you'll be making frequent payments to a specific peer. Each payment will then go straight to that peer via the open channel. This is called a direct payment.
Mediated payments
If you don't have a direct channel to a node for whom you want to send a payment, Raiden will try to find a path from you to the recipient node through the network of channels. This is called mediated payments.
Mediated payments are a powerful feature in Raiden since it lets you pay anyone in the network by leverging the path of connected payment channels.
By making no more than two API calls - one call to join the token network and one call to make the payment - we can send payments to anyone who is part of the W-ETH token network.
Last updated
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